Sunday 28 September 2014

Week 6, Part1: Savoury cakes.

Pesto cake.

Bacon and sundries tomatoes cake.

Bacon and sundries tomatoes cake
This week we had a shared lunch at work. I wanted to bake something, but as it was just me and T boy, I needed something that will do as his dinner as well as being quick to make. I have this recipe from a French magazine and it is really versatile and quick to do, more importantly I could remember the ingredients!
I don't have pictures of the stage of the recipes because I had to do it so quickly while entertaining a toddler that I did not even think about grabbing my camera!
The basic recipe is below, as you will see it is not for the diet conscious but it is really yummy. Once you have the basic mix, you can pretty much add what you want. you might need to do some slight changes depending of your ingredients. For example, I added less oil in the one with the pesto and less salt in the one with the bacon. I will say just have fun and experiment!

Basic recipe

200g of flour
10cl single cream
10cl olive oil
1 packet of baking powder (2tsp)
salt and pepper
1- Turn on your oven at 180degrees C or th.6.
2-Put the flour in a mixing bowl, add the baking powder. Make a well and break in 3eggs. Mix with a whisk while incorporating the oil little at a time.
3- Pour in the single cream and mix.
4- Add whatever ingredients you fancy.
5-Season with salt and pepper
6- Prepared a tin with baking parchment or by spreading thin layer of butter followed by a thin layer of flour.
7- Put in the oven for about 40 minutes. If you did in muffin tin, it might not need as much.
8- Let the cake to cool down before taking it out of the tin.

Pesto cakes

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