Sunday 7 September 2014

Week 2: Croissants

Week 2: croissants!

So yes technically it’s kind of the same week but still counting as week 2!
This week as we were invited to a brunch/birthday party, I decided to do croissants…. That was hard work!
As I also started back work on Thursday I had to do a lot of planning and taking liberty (yes, dangerous) on the recipe so as to do it in three part over three evening.
The second day, which was making the puff pastry, was a bit catastrophic with not enough space, sticky pastry and butter oozing…. Then I got worried when I saw it had triple volume over night…. But decided to carry on anyway at worst it would have been some strange pastry things!
But baked them this morning and voilà! Not bad: look, taste and feel the part so that’s a result. Croissant, tick!


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