Friday 17 October 2014

Week 8, Part1: double chocolate chips cheesecake

Double chocolate chips cheesecake

So this week, back to the great british baker cookbook. Last week, I was asked to bake for a bridal shower. I decided to do something different from the  usual cupcakes. I did the yogurt cake and decided to do a cheesecake. I actually had never done a baked cheesecake.
So got all  the ingredients out, got ready to weigh all of it, turned on scale and "error" message came up! Desperation and panic washed over me until I remembered that I now live in a country that use different way of measuring (try measuring in cups or lb in France...), so I grabbed my measuring cups and spoon, got my phone and Google on,  managed to find good website for conversion and problem sorted!
The recipe from the book was pretty simple to follow. But this was a stressful baking as I was not sure if the measures were exact and if it was going to turn out ok.
Mine ended up with a big slit in the middle, probably because I was impatient and opened the oven.
The other issue I had was that because of my wonderful organisation (not) I baked the cheesecake on the morning of the party then read the full recipe and realised I should have let it rest in the fridge overnight! But it was still lovely!

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