Friday 14 November 2014

Week 11, part 1: Victoria sponge

Victoria sponge

This weekend was a bitter sweet bake.

I was baking a cake to take to a friend's house as there were doing a get together before moving out of the area.
Sweet because it was an occasion to see friends that I had not seen for some times, and bitter because I am sad to get further away from my good Irish friend!
I decided to do a Victoria sponge as I felt a classic was suited to the occasion and it fitted very well with her antiques cups.

The recipes from the book call for beating butter and sugar first before adding eggs little at a time. I decided to use a wooden spoon to avoid curdling which worked until I added too much egg at the time. As I was aware that it might happen, I was quick to respond to the emergency and added a bit of flour before putting the last of the eggs. Disaster averted!
I was worried that I hadn't beat in enough air so I have to confess, I added a bit of baking powder...
But it's still a beautiful Victoria sponge isn't it?

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