Thursday 20 November 2014

Week 11, part 2: Sainsbury's icing nozzles trial

 Icing nozzles trial

Another late post, I guess life is taking over. Things are getting quite busy. After 7 month, we finally exchanged on the house and we should be moving around the 8th of December... I can't wait to get my new big kitchen with lots of work surface and most importantly I will be able to get my stand mixer of my dream!
Over dramatic.... Maybe slightly...
For this week post, I decided to try out the icing nozzles that I found in Sainsbury's. It was £10 for a pack of 7 big nozzles, looked like a good price.

Because of this I had to make cupcakes. Hard life isn't it....
I made vanilla and chocolate cupcakes with vanilla icing.


 I used another of the hummingbird bakery recipes, really love this book. Make great cupcakes!
Back to the icing. Bellows are the pictures of the different style I was able to do with the different nozzles. I am far from a expert in icing so any suggestions are welcome.

I like the big nozzles as I feel it gives a better finish. I particularly like the open star and round one. I feel you get the style that you see on pictures!
With the nozzle that do wicker basket type icing (photo n°6), I think you could also do scallop style but needed a bigger surface.
I am baking my first paid cake this weekend so will try it on it.

Friday 14 November 2014

Week 11, part 1: Victoria sponge

Victoria sponge

This weekend was a bitter sweet bake.

I was baking a cake to take to a friend's house as there were doing a get together before moving out of the area.
Sweet because it was an occasion to see friends that I had not seen for some times, and bitter because I am sad to get further away from my good Irish friend!
I decided to do a Victoria sponge as I felt a classic was suited to the occasion and it fitted very well with her antiques cups.

The recipes from the book call for beating butter and sugar first before adding eggs little at a time. I decided to use a wooden spoon to avoid curdling which worked until I added too much egg at the time. As I was aware that it might happen, I was quick to respond to the emergency and added a bit of flour before putting the last of the eggs. Disaster averted!
I was worried that I hadn't beat in enough air so I have to confess, I added a bit of baking powder...
But it's still a beautiful Victoria sponge isn't it?

Sunday 9 November 2014

Week 10, part 2: Birthday cake and icing

 Birthday cake and icing

This week was my lovely sister in law birthday. We were all invited to the restaurant and I decided to surprise her with a little birthday cake.
I got some help from Tboy but he was not happy that he could not get to eat it straight away!

I made a simple yogurt cake (recipe her: then filled it and covered it with dolce de leche (caramel sauce). I then covered it with marzipan as I love the almond taste and did a number of icing decoration. I used moulds, cutters and made some roses.

Turned out fairly nice although I still need to get better at making flowers and smooth covering of the cake.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Week 10, part 1: attempt at a lemon tart

Lemon tart trial:

After last week epic bake, I decided to take it easy and to do something that looked pretty simple: lemon tart. This is part of the great British bake off book. 
I had done sweet pastry previously pretty well and the lemon filling looked straightforward as not a lemon curd. That what I thought anyway...
So I set up to do the pastry, followed the instruction... It said to chill if butter was not cold, mine was and to be honest didn't want to wait... So I spread it, lined it, covered the hole... Because yes, it was too soft to spread properly... Then I chilled it.
I then discovered that I didn't have any baking paper, another lazy moment and decided to use foil. That should do... Well, it didn't... It stuck to the pastry and gave it a funny texture. Oh, I also over baked it because I hadn't read the whole recipe (lazy moment number 3)... I took it too far before taking the baking beans out so then the side were burned.
I carried on anyway, at this point too much effort had gone in. I then went one making the filling which was straightforward except I didn't have double cream so used crème fraiche instead. As I poured it in I saw that some piece of pastry ended up in the filling.
Came out looking alright, let it rest then served it for dinner.
This was husband face:

First question was: What did you put in it?....
To be fair didn't looked great, and worst when I cut in it. It was like the filling got mixed up with the pastry... But it tested really nice really sharp..
So conclusion of this baking: lazy day is no good for baking day.